DIY Graphics Online - Canva vs Easil - The Canva Alternative
Canva vs Easil comparison

Canva vs Easil

We are frequently asked – Alright be honest, what is the difference between Canva and Easil? If you’re looking for a Canva alternative, keep reading!

There are a few reasons we believe Easil is going to make your life easier, and your graphics look more polished, and professional.

Below you’ll find information to help you compare Easil and Canva, including features, customer experiences, pricing and thoughts from current Easil customers who have made the switch.

We hope this helps…

1/ What you see, is what you get.

All you see when you open a design template is included. No premium elements or in-template purchases are tucked into our standard designs. You only pay more if you add a premium image.

2/ Make organization of your creations a breeze.

We have layers functionality that allows you to visually group, show/hide layers and groups and rename them so you can organise your files efficiently. It also means you can hide layers instead of deleting if you’re not 100% sure if you’ll need them again.

3/ Create and saving your brand kit for easy re-usable access.

We have a favourites feature. So when you set up your brand, you can not only save your logo, but also any brand elements that you use regularly to keep your brand cohesive, with just one click!

 4/ Pick complementary colors like a design pro

Easil has an integrated color palette generator. Upload your image, and in the color picker area a palette of matching colors are presented for you to click and add to any text or graphic elements

5/ Get real world engagement

With Easil, you can also order printed materials such as business cards, flyers, posters and banners. Currently only available in Australia, but coming soon to the USA and other parts of the world!

 6/ Our design pro’s are on standby to assist you

We have chat assistance within the app! Ask us a question and fully qualified graphic designers can give you a hand 🙂

7/ You get free access to an ever increasing range of exclusive images

On the Plus trial and for Plus users ongoing, we offer a huge range (1500+) free styled stock photography images. These are super popular! When adding an image enter ‘Easilstock’ in the search field to see what they are.

8/ Create image files for different platforms in seconds

Our resize feature allows all items within a campaign to be nicely stored and arranged within the one file. So if you create a header for a blog, plus matching social images, they are all within the same document.

9/ Get your professional brand look under way with our design sherpas

We have a DesignAssist add on service that gets brands started. We do everything from logo creation to associated brand elements, and get small businesses rocking the big brand look immediately, but controlling it themselves. We provide a living style guide that with a click of the PDF opens your new templates and brand in Easil – ready to go, along with a guide of ‘How to’s’ eg guidance on Instagram feed design.

Ready to give Easil a try?

We hope this comparison guide was useful to you. Making the switch is easy; you can get set up in just a minute or two.

Easil is free to use, but we’ll also gift you a free 30 day upgrade to our Plus plan (no credit card required)-  just click here.

Empower your business engagement with polished and professional looking visual content.


Canva vs Easil - the difference between the top DIY design applications

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