Easil's Design Merge Feature - How to Take Your Branding and Designs to the Next Level - Easil

Easil’s Design Merge Feature – How to Take Your Branding and Designs to the Next Level

Meet Easil’s Design Merge, your secret weapon for allowing you to create Pro-quality designs in no time at all. Design Merge allows you to bring a page, element or elements from another design, right into your current file. In this post, we share what it is, how it helps you, where to get started, and what’s really possible with it!  

Easil’s Design Merge is one of our best updates yet.   It’s beautiful in its simplicity and will WOW you with what it can actually do when you let it go full throttle. Basically, it’s like a chameleon… it can do so much more than you think it can.

What is Design Merge?

As we said in the intro, Easil’s Design Merge allows you to grab a page or element from one design, and bring it into another. You can also use it to grab groups of design elements across pages.

What does this mean in plain English? Well, it’s best seen visually, so we’ve created some fun videos to show you Design Merge in action:

Mastering Easil’s Design Merge – from “Getting Started” to “On Fire”

Here are some of the functions and benefits of Design Merge, laid out from the basics (Getting Started) to the more advanced (On Fire). We’ve included examples of each so you can see how Design Merge works:

#1. Getting Started – Create a Double-Sided Flyer

If you are creating a document with more than one page or double-sided pages, then rest easy… Easil’s Design Merge just became your wingman!

You can add in a new page from Easil’s Masters or from your own files. Here’s how it works:


#2.  Ramping Up – Merging elements of one design into another design

Let’s ramp it up a bit.  But first, we have a question for you:

Have you ever noticed how with most design tools you’ll love one part of a template but not all of it? Or perhaps you like the font and style from one and the layout of another? We know how frustrating it is when that happens, and you simply can’t do anything about it, when one design can’t be merged with the other.

We say pffttt to not being able to have it ALL…. Design Merge changes all that.

Now you can simply take the best bits from multiple designs and merge them into one another – in just about every combination!

In the following example we show you how Easil’s Design Merge allows you to take the typography from one design and merge it into another design that you like. It’s click – drag – copy – drop!  Easy!


#3.  Turbo Charge – Create a Brand Footer

Boosters on!  Ready to take Design Merge a little further?  Use it to create a brand footer that you can apply to any design, keeping consistent style across all your visual content.

The following video shows how you can resize your footer so that it’s available in all of the design sizes you would commonly use. Now you can have a set of brand footers ready to go, for any purpose.


#4.  On Fire – Update an Existing Menu with a new Template or Background

Now it’s time to really fire things up.  Once you have mastered the basics with Design Merge, this is where it really excels. You can change something detailed like an existing menu to a new template/background.

Here’s how it all works :

Do you hear that sound? It’s the sound of the clock stopping while you save HOURS of time on creating promotional material (or dealing with a designer).

And if you work in tourism and hospitality your team just did a happy dance in the kitchen.  It’s ok, we won’t tell anyone ;o)


We hope so!  As you can see, Design Merge is a slick tool with great functionality. We’re guessing you’ll wonder how you created anything before you had it your Easil Toolbox.   Now you do, and create you will!

Hmm that sounds a little like Yoda, but yes, the Force IS with Design Merge. 

The possibilities are endless:

You can re-use a group of branding elements you’ve created, by copying them into a new page in your design.

Or … use a page design from a different template for just one section of your e-book.

Or… let’s just say that you LOVE a heading on one of our Easil templates, and you’re thinking “I’d love to use that in my design”.  Guess what? You can! Magically incorporate it into your design with Design Merge.

Ready to Create Cool Things with Design Merge?

Design Merge is ready and waiting for you if you are a Plus or Hospitality user of Easil.

Once you master the basics of Design Merge, the fun really starts – and remember our team is here to help you should you have any questions about it!  We are avid “mergers”.

Ready to create great things together with a little Design Merge Magic? Let’s do this!

Get started here.  Enjoy! 

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