This Ultimate FREE Font Pairing Guide is about to blow your typography-loving mind.
When it comes to visual content, the right font can make or break a design. Get it right and you’ve got a winning design.
Get it wrong and you have something that just isn’t easy to rest your eyes upon. In this post, we’ll show you how to nail your font pairing – with 180+ free font examples PLUS templates.
What the font is so hard about font pairing?
Choosing fonts can be dang hard, and finding the perfect match can seem quite elusive with so many to choose from.
Pairing fonts yourself can be problematic. It’s not just the pairing of the fonts that is hard. You also have decide whether they are used in Headings, Sub-headings, body font and so on.. all the way down through the hierarchy of text.
And searching for the perfect font combination can literally send you in circles, all over the internet. Don’t spend hours scrolling through design examples. Use this guide instead!
Free Fonts and where to Find them!
We’ve included over 180+ examples of free font combinations in this Ultimate Guide to Font Pairing – including free font templates so you can get started designing straight away.
All of the fonts in this guide are included (Free) from a few locations, but primarily these two:
- Easil’s Font Selection – We pride ourselves on having one of the best selections of fonts in any design tool, right within Easil. All of the fonts you see in Easil can be used in your Easil designs at no extra charge.
- Google Fonts – Google is more than just big old search engine and offers a huge number of free fonts for you to use in any web or design project. Google fonts can be uploaded into your Easil account if you are using a Plus account or higher.
HOT TIP: If you get stuck finding great Google font pairs, try It’s a handy resource for finding the best Google Font pairs.
Here’s a sneak peek of what’s to come in this post:

Tips for Pairing Fonts:
Finding your perfect font match is not impossible. Just follow a few guidelines as follows:
- Contrast Serif fonts with a Sans Serif Font. Serif Fonts have small decorative lines or embellishments at the ends of characters, while Sans Serif fonts do not include the decorative lines. A classic example of a Serif font is Times Roman and an example of a Sans Serif font is Helvetica.
- Headline vs Body Font. Preferably choose a Sans Serif headline and a Serif Font for the body text. This pairing works because there is high contrast. It’s also a good match between classic and modern. Start with your preferred heading then pair it with a few body fonts to see what works best.
- Think about the personality of the font. Consider the mood you wish to achieve with the final project. If it’s a formal occasion or invitation, then flourish-y, fancy fonts will work. But they won’t work for a sale announcement where you want to make impact. Instead, choose a bold font.
- Check you have all the elements. Before choosing a font, check that all the letters and characters you wish to use, come with that font, as well as your preferred language.
- Check for legibility. Look at your font choices from different distances and in different sizes. Are they legible and easy to read when used alone and when paired together?
- Always check licenses – licenses can change, so always check each font’s license terms when you download it (or use the font in Easil, where it’s approved and ready to go).
- Be inspired by what works. Look at different font combinations that you see in Easil templates and in this article. Designers have carefully chosen these combinations, so you know they already work!
The Ultimate Free Font Pairing List (+ Examples and Templates)
Here is our complete list of Font Pairing awesomeness. You can easily view where each font is available (ie Easil or Google Fonts) as well as what other fonts it pairs perfectly with. Enjoy!
Abril Fat Face is a Display Serif font from TypeTogether. It’s inspired by the elegant title fonts you would find on advertising posters from the 19th Century Britain and France. It’s available on Easil or you can find it on Google Fonts.
Perfect Font Pairing: Roboto Regular or Raleway.

Create with this template in Easil.
This is a Small Caps Serif font that was developed with literature in mind – if it’s words and writing you want to showcase, use this font. Created by Juan Pablo del Peral. Alegreya SC is available on Easil or Google Fonts.
Perfect Font Pairing: Oswald and Lato.

Create with this template in Easil.
Alex Brush is a gorgeous Brush Script font from TypeSETit. Available on Easil or Google Fonts.
Perfect Font Pairing: Roboto Regular and PT Sans.
Create with this free font template in Easil.
Alfa Slab One is a bold display font from JM Sole. It’s a Slab Serif and has extreme stem weight, big serifs and packs a punch for headings. Find this big serif font right within Easil or Google Fonts.
Perfect Font Pairing: Montserrat and Roboto

Create with this free font template in Easil.
Handwritten font from Anton Koovit, this is a signpainter typeface. Allan is available on Easil or Google Fonts.
Perfect Font Pairing: Lato and Raleway

Create with this font template in Easil.
A simple, effective hand draw font, Amatic is an ideal display font in regular weight. Created by Vernon Adams. Available on Easil or Google Fonts.
Perfect Font Pairing: Josefin Slab and Open Sans Condensed

Create with this font template in Easil.
A big, bold, chunky display font from Vernon Adams. Available on Easil or Google Fonts.
Perfect Font Pairing: Roboto and Playfair Display

Create with this font template in Easil.
Arizonia is a sign painter script font from TypeSETit. Fun fact: It was actually inspired by the flowing script produced by a sign painter’s camel hair brush! Available on Easil or Google Fonts.
Perfectly pairs with: Oswald and Josefin Slab.

Create with this font template in Easil.
Arvo is a Slab Serif Typeface, ideally suited for headings and display, from Anton Koovit. Available on Easil or Google Fonts.
Perfect Font Pairing: Lato and Roboto.

Create with this font template in Easil.
Archivo Narrow font is a san serif typeface available in Bold, Regular and Italic weights. It’s derived from the Chivo font from Omnibus-Type for those of you Typography-loving peeps out there. Available to use in Easil or download from Google Fonts.
Perfect Font Pairing: Roboto and Oswald
(….judging by the fonts so far, we have to ask: is there anything Roboto doesn’t pair with?)

Create with this font template in Easil.
Baloo Tamma is a bold, heavy but very cheeky and playful font from Ek Type. Available to use in Easil or download from Google Fonts.
Perfect Font Pairing: Lato and Oswald.

Create with this font template in Easil.
If you’re a comic book lover from way back, then you’ll love this font. It’s a comic style headline typeface from Vernon Adams that goes Boom! Pow! Bam! Bangers is available to use in Easil or download from Google Fonts.a
Perfect Font Pairing: Oswald and Roboto.

Create with this font template in Easil.
Barrio is warm, fun and lively and perfectly for a fun project. With varying weights in characters, Barrio typeface is suitable for headings and display. It’s created by Omnibus-Type. Available to use on your DIY designs in Easil or download the font from Google Fonts.
Perfect Font Pairing: Cutive Mono and Caveat Regular.

Create with this font template in Easil.
Perfect for wedding invitations and quote graphics, Bella is a romantic, flowing handwriting font. It’s available on Easil or by purchasing from the creator Joel Maker on Creative Market.
Perfect Font Pairing: Abril Fat Face, Work Sans and Roboto Condensed.

Create with this font template in Easil.
Bentham is inspired by 19th Century Maps, Gravestones and Machinery Maker Plates – classic, flowing and easy to read! Available to use on your DIY designs in Easil or download the font from Google Fonts.
Perfect Font Pairing: Lato and Raleway.

Create with this font template in Easil.
Created by Astigmatic, the Berkshire Swash font is feminine, yet bold. It’s available to use on your DIY designs in Easil or download the font from Google Fonts.
Perfect Font Pairing: Raleway and Oswald.

Create with this font template in Easil.
Bevan is a Slab Serif Typeface Font that’s perfect for headings and display, from Vernon Adams. It’s available for your DIY designs in Easil or you can download the font now from Google Fonts.
Perfect Font Pairing: Oswald and Lato.

Create with this font template in Easil.
Available in regular and bold options the Bio Rhyme is a super wide “eexpanded” font. Created by Aoife Mooney, it works really well for headlines and display. Grab it now in Easil or you can download the font from Google Fonts.
Perfect Font Pairing: Montserrat and Lato.

Create with this font template in Easil.
Bitter is a contemporary slab serif typeface by Huerta Tipográfica. You can start using it now in Easil or you can download the font from Google Fonts.
Perfect Font Pairing: Source Sans Pro and Roboto.

Create with this font template in Easil.
Modern, on trend font Black Diamond is raw and edgy. Available on Easil or purchase from Sam Parrett.
Perfectly pairs with: Montserrat Bold and Roboto.

Create with this font template in Easil.
A chunky, stencil-style lettering font; Black Ops One is suitable for headings and display, from James Grieshaber. You can start using it now in Easil or download the font from Google Fonts.
Perfect Font Pairing: Roboto and Lobster.

Create with this font template in Easil.
Created by Tyler Finck, the BlackOut 2am font is a reversed out blocked font suitable for posters and display. Available from Font Squirrel.
Perfect Font Pairing: Raleway Extra Bold and Roboto.

Create with this font template in Easil.
Also created by Tyler Finck, Blackout Midnight is a uppercase only sans serif font with solid counters. Available from Font Squirrel and ready to use on Easil.
Perfectly pairs with: Oswald Bold and Open Sans.

Create with this font template in Easil.
Bree Serif is a versatile serif font, that works well in editorials. I’ts easy to read from header to copy, and is available from Type Together. You can start using it now in Easil or download the font from Google Fonts.
Perfect Font Pairing: Lato and Raleway.

Create with this font template in Easil.
Brusher is a thick, modern brush font, from Vlad Cristea and Raul Taciu. It works hand in hand with contrasting fonts like Monsterrat or Open Sans. Created by Vlad Cristea and Raul Taciu, it’s available from the good folks at Behance.
Perfect Font Pairing: Montserrat or Open Sans.

Create with this font template in Easil.
Bungee is suitable for headings and display, from David Jonathan Ross. It’s bold and seamless whether it’s used in a horizontal line or even vertically. Great for urban signage. Available in Easil or download from Google Fonts.
Perfect Font Pairing: Montserrat and Roboto.

Create with this font template in Easil.
Featuring a thick shadow, this outline font with inline works well for headings and display. Created by Jonathan Ross, it’s all about shadows and lines, bringing a unique edge to bold headings. Available now in Easil or download from Google Fonts.
Bungee Shade works best with: Monoton and Roboto.

Create with this font template in Easil.
Cabin Sketch is a handrawn sketchy-style font with a rough, unfinished texture. It looks like it’s straight out of a text book and available in Bold and Regular. It’s suitable for headings and display and is created by Impallari Type. Available now in Easil or download from Google Fonts.
Perfectly pairs with: Open Sans and Pacifico.

Create with this font template in Easil.
Designed for Scholars by David Perry, Cardo is a gothic-style scholarly font with distinguished shapes and lines. Perfect for academia, it’s available in Bold and Italic versions. Available now in Easil or download from Google Fonts.
Perfectly Pairs with: Raleway and Lato.

Create with this font template in Easil.
Casual hand drawn Caveat Brush is a natural brush font that’s a happy medium between handwriting and paintbrush strokes. It’s great for those informal occasions and invitations. Created by Impallari Type, Caveat Brush is available in the font selector in Easil or you can download it from Google Fonts.
Perfectly Paris with: Montserrat and Raleway.

Create with this font template in Easil.
Authentic, simple handwriting typeface from Kimberly Geswein – if you’re looking for a handwriting font, this is as close as it gets – imperfect and fun. Cedarville Cursive is available now in Easil or you can download it from Google Fonts.
Cedarville Cursive works best with: Raleway and Dancing Script.

Create with this font template in Easil.
Chelsea Market is a bold yet playful and quirky, bohemian casual font. It’s been made freely available to use by Tart Workshop. Find it now in Easil or you can download it from Google Fonts if you are looking for an offbeat and unconventional typeface.
Perfectly Pairs with: EB Garamond and Josefin Slab.

Create with this font template in Easil.
Looking for a tasty, casual font that you can sink your teeth into? Chewy is perfect. It’s bubbly, childlike and whimsical and all loaded and ready to go on Easil or you can download it from Google Fonts.
Perfectly Pairs with: Playfair Display and Lato (and Donuts).

Create with this font template in Easil.
Chivo is a Sans Serif Typeface ready to switch seamlessly between regular copy and headlines in black or bold. It’s elegant and works perfectly for understated easy reading. Chivo is available in regular and Black weights, suitable for display and copy, from Omnibus-Type. Use it right now on Easil or you can download it from Google Fonts.
Perfectly pairs with: Lato and Roboto.

Create with this font template in Easil.
A traditional and auestere font, Cinzel has stunning contemporary lines and comes in bold, black or regular. Created by Natanael Gama, Cinzel is ready for you now in Easil or you can download it from Google Fonts.
Perfectly Pairs with: Playfair Display and Raleway.

Create with this font template in Easil.
Clicker Script is brought to you by Astigmatic. It’s a curvy (and somewhat flamboyant) script font. If you are looking for a signature feel to your titles, this is a great font to use. It’s ready and waiting for you now in Easil or you can also find it in Google Fonts.
Perfectly Pairs with: Raleway and Open Sans.

Create with this font template in Easil.
Modern. Practical. A font that is super versatile and achieves impact in both it’s regular and bold forms. Created by Vernon Adams, you can find Coda hanging out in Easil or ready to download from Google Fonts.
Perfectly pairs with: Lato and Roboto.

Create with this font template in Easil.
Brilliantly sparkling and ready to catch eyes against dark tones or moody backgrounds, Codystar is all about city lights or starry nights. Created by Neapolitan you can find Codystar twinkling and ready to use for your projects in Easil or available for free download in Google Fonts.
Perfectly Pairs with: Montserrat and Open Sans.

Create with this font template in Easil.
A beautifully rounded font with perfect proportions, Concert One font has been carefully constructed by font expert John Kallas. Whether you need it for headlines or as a display font, Concert One will make your project sing (like a concerto) – it’s ready for all purposes yet strikingly unique. And, yep, it’s ready to go for you to use in Easil or available for free download in Google Fonts.
Perfectly Pairs with: Roboto and Open Sans.

Create with this font template in Easil.
Ah Cookie, so sweet and delicious. This script font was cooked up by font designer Ania Kruk with a no-fail recipe that’s perfect for any project. Especially if your project deserves a brush script font that has it’s roots in true penmanship. Cookie is ready to add sweetness to your designs in Easil or available for free download in Google Fonts.
Perfectly Pairs with: Raleway and Roboto.

Create with this font template in Easil.
You can’t go past Ubuntu for a gorgeous, casual, hand written font. Perfectly flawed, just like our uneven, yet appealing and readable handwriting style. Created by Kimberly Geswein, Covered By Your Grace is ready for you to use in Easil or available for free download in Google Fonts.
Perfectly Pairs with: Ubuntu and Open Sans.

Create with this font template in Easil.
Need a spooktacular font perfect for Halloween and all of your other spin-chilling project needs? The bloodcurdling Creepster is the perfect frightening font for your project needs. Brought to us by Sideshow this grisly font is available now for your creepy creations in Easil or ready to download in Google Fonts.
Perfectly Pairs with: Arvo and Source Sans Pro.

Create with this font template in Easil.
A warm, solid slab serif brought to us by TypeTogether, Crete Round is perfect for Headlines, display, copy typesetting and #AllTheThings. Perfect for corporate projects, it’s locked and loaded inAvailable now in Easil for your design convenience or ready to download from Google Fonts.
Perfectly Pairs with: Lato and Open Sans.

Create with this font template in Easil.
Think vintage typewriter and classic typefaces (and the sound of clacking keys). That’s Cutive Mono. It’s a classic webfont, suitable for copy through to Headlines. Designed by Vernon Adams, Cutive Mono is ready to go in the Easil font selector and also available for free in Google Fonts.
Perfectly Pairs with: Open Sans and Roboto.

Create with this font template in Easil.
Damion is a casual script typeface perfect for modern webpages. Created by Vernon Adams, you can find this beautiful font hanging out in the Easil font selector and it’s available for free in Google Fonts.
Perfectly Pairs with: Lato and Oswald.

Create with this font template in Easil.
Dancing Script is a feminine cursive handwritten font designed by Impallari Type. This lively casual script font is available and ready to use in Easil and also available for free in Google Fonts.
Perfectly Pairs with: Lato and Roboto.

Create with this font template in Easil.
Denk One is a fun, medium-contrast, display san serif font works well for headings and display. Created by Sorkin Type, it’s ready to go in Easil in the font selector and also available from Google Fonts.
Perfectly Pairs with: Creepster and Roboto.

Create with this font template in Easil.
Diplomatica is a commanding typeface inspired by the letterpress typefaces of old. Use this detailed, wide font to hold attention in headings and display, or where you need to showcase short prestigious sections of text. Created by Eduardo Tunni, it’s available in Easil right now in our font selector and also available for free in Google Fonts.
Perfectly pairs with: Merriweather and Oswald.

Create with this font template in Easil.
Dorsa is a tall, commanding condensed headline typeface. Architectually classic Dorsa is great for headings and display, brought to you from Santiago Orozco. Find and use it in Easil right now (in our font selector) and also available for free in Google Fonts..
Perfectly pairs with: Raleway and Open Sans

Create with this font template in Easil.
Meet Dosis. This rounded sans serif font is suitable for headings and display, from Impallari Type. Access Dosis in Easil right now for your projects (in our font selector) and also available for free in Google Fonts.
Perfectly pairs with: Oswald and Lato

Create with this font template in Easil.
Droid Serif is a contemporary serif typeface family, suitable for headings and display, from Steve Matteson. It’s slightly condensed to apparently maximise the amount of text on small screens – yet designed for easy reading. It’s available to download from
Perfectly Pairs with: Work Sans and Roboto Light.

Create with this font template in Easil.
From font designer Vicente Lamónaca, Economica was inspired by the need to save space for publishing text without loss of height. In other words you can use it in small spaces without reducing legibility!
Use this very condensed typeface font in the Easil font selector right now. It’s also available for free in Google Fonts.
Perfectly pairs with: Raleway and Lato.

Create with this font template in Easil.
Edo is a free-flowing brush script (all captial letters) designed by Vic Fieger using a thick permanent marker with a flat head! Download your copy from Font Squirrel.
Perfectly pairs with: Raleway Extra Bold and PT Sans.

Create with this font template in Easil.
If you’re looking for a modern Arabic typeface, El Messeiri is it. This san serif font is available in bold and regular. El Messiri can be found in the Easil font selector and in Google Fonts.
Perfectly pairs with: Ubuntu and Open Sans Condensed.

Create with this font template in Easil.
Englebert was ceated by Astigmatic, inspired by the title screen of the 1930’s film Der blue Engel, starring Marlene Dietrich. Casual. Playful. Catches the eye. Englebert can be found in the Easil font selector and in Google Fonts.
Perfectly pairs with: Lato and Oswald.

Create with this font template in Easil.
Erica One, created byMiguel Hernandez is a voluptuous font perfect for headings. It’s available on Google Fonts or Available on Easil or Google Fonts. Use this very condensed typeface font in the Easil font selector right now. It’s also available for free in Google Fonts.
Perfectly pairs with: Raleway and Quicksand.

Create with this font template in Easil.
Looking for an informal script type? You’ve found it with Euphoria Script. It’s a casual, playful informal script created by Sabrina Mariela Lopez. Available ready to go in Easil or via Google Fonts.
Perfectly pairs with: Raleway and Quicksand.

Create with this font template in Easil.
Ewert is a slab serif wood-type ornamental font designed by Johan Kallas and Mihkel Virkus. It’s ready to use in Easil or via Google Fonts.
Perfectly pairs with: Open Sans and Kaushun Script

Create with this font template in Easil.
Fjalla One is a san serif font that’s useful in a variety of sizes. Designed by Sorkin Type, you can find this font hanging out in Easil or via Google Fonts.
Perfectly pairs with: Lato and Roboto.

Create with this font template in Easil.
Flavours is a decorative, fun, handwritten novelty font. Designed by Sideshow, you’ll find Flavors in Easil or via Google Fonts.
Perfectly pairs with: Codystar and Lobster.

Create with this font template in Easil.
Fredericka the Great is a fun, hand-drawn serif sketch font. Designed by Crystal Kluge of Tart Workshop, you can start using this font right now in Easil or find it in Google Fonts.
Perfectly pairs with: Amatic SC and Oswald.

Create with this font template in Easil.
Fredoka One is a big, found, fun font that’s perfect for headings. Designed by Milena Brandao, you can start designing with Fredoka One in Easil right now or find it in Google Fonts.
Perfectly pairs with: Raleway and Lato.

Create with this font template in Easil.
Fugaz One is an Italic sans serif font with geometric features. Inspired by italics, Fugaz is a very dynamic, powerful font for headings or display. Start using Fugaz One now in Easil or find it in Google Fonts.
Perfectly pairs with: Montserrat and Open Sans.

Create with this font template in Easil.
Just as the name suggests, Germania One brings historical German typography to your project. It’s a mix of the old and the new. Designed by John Vargas Beltrán, Germania One can be used right inside Easil with our font selector, or you can find it in Google Fonts.
Perfectly pairs with: Denk One and Monoton.

Create with this font template in Easil.
Gochi Hand is designed as an interpretation of the handwriting of a teenage girl. It’s designed to be more like the handwriting of an ordinary person vs a calligrapher, and it’s a font that works well on screen, even in small sizes. Designed by Huerta Tipográfica, Gochi Hand can be used right inside Easil, or you can find it for free in Google Fonts.
Perfectly pairs with: Montserrat and Oswald.

Create with this font template in Easil.
Graduate is all about US college style. It’s a college-style block lettering similar to that used across every campus in the United States. Designed by Eduardo Tunni, Graduate is an Easil font, ready to go in Easil – or you can find it for free in Google Fonts.
Perfectly pairs with: Montserrat and Roboto.

Create with this font template in Easil.
Grand Hotel is inspired by the title screen of the 1937 film “Cafe Metropole” starring Tyrone Power. Created by Astigmatic, it’s a condensed, upright script font with classic style. Grand Hotel is an Easil font, ready to add style to any project – or you can find it for free in Google Fonts
Perfectly pairs with: Oswald and Roboto.

Create with this font template in Easil.
Gravitas One is a heavy, fat face font, channelling the heavy advertising type that was prominent during the industrial revolution in England. It’s strong, attention-grabbing and works well in large sizes. Gravitas One is one of our favourite Easil fonts, so you can start using it now, or you can find it for free in Google Fonts
Perfectly pairs with: Oswald and Arvo.

Create with this font template in Easil.
Great Vibes is a beautiful flowing, connecting handwritten script created by TypeSETi. Start using it for elegant creations now! It’s a free Easil font, ready to add style to any project – or you can find it for free in Google Fonts
Perfectly pairs with: Roboto and Raleway.

Create with this font template in Easil.
Halant is a beautiful serif typeface, and a multilingual, open source font designed by Indian Type Foundry. Use it in Easil or you can find it for free in Google Fonts.
Perfectly pairs with: Raleway and Lato.

Create with this font template in Easil.
Hammersmith One is a low contrast sans serif typeface with essence of handmade, brush letters. Designed by Sorkin Type, it can be adapted for web type and works well even in smaller sizes. Like Hammersmith One? Access it now as an Easil font, or find it for free in Google Fonts
Perfectly pairs with: Montserrat and Open Sans.

Create with this font template in Easil.
Home Made Apple… mmmmmm are you drooling already at the thought of this font? This is a cursive handwriting script that almost tastes and feels like your Grandmother in the kitchen baking warm home-cooked apple pie. Created by Font Diner, it can be adapted for web type and works well even in smaller sizes. Like Hammersmith One? Create delicious designs with this apple pie font. Yes, it can be found in Easil in our font selector, or find it for free in Google Fonts
Perfectly pairs with: Raleway and Lato

Create with this font template in Easil.
IM Fell Great Primer is a rustic blackletter serif font, with a touch of Roman – and designed by Igino Marini. Use it now as an Easil font, or find it for free in Google Fonts
Perfectly pairs with: Lato and PT Sans.

Create with this font template in Easil.
Josephin Sans has a retro, almost art deco feel about it. It’s geometric, elegant and great for titles.Created by Santiago Orozco, this font can be used in much higher sizes. Find it in Easil in our font selector, or find it for free in Google Fonts
Perfectly pairs with: Open Sans and Roboto.

Create with this font template in Easil.
Josephin Slab follows on from Josefin Sans taking Josefin Sans further with Scandinavian style and inspired by the 1930s trend for geometric typefaces. This is a slab serif font with a vintage feeling that is also suitable for large sizes. Find it in Easil in our font selector, or find it for free in Google Fonts
Perfectly pairs with: Oswald and Open Sans.

Create with this font template in Easil.
Just Another Hand is a little more than just another handwriting font. This narrow, brush drawn handwriting font is about nostalgia and is inspired by the school-days handwriting of the creators. From the team at Astigmatic, you can find “Just Another Hand” in Easil in our font selector, or access it any time for free in Google Fonts
Perfectly pairs with: Open Sans and Lato.

Create with this font template in Easil.
“Just Me Again Down Here” is created by Kimberly Geswein. If you’re looking for a “messy” handwriting font this could be the one! It has mixed capitals and irregularities, iso if you are looking for a font that’s imprerfect and fun, then check it out in Easil. It’s also available for free in Google Fonts
Perfectly pairs with: Open Sans and Pacifico.

Create with this font template in Easil.
Khand is a compact yet dynamic mono-linear font in regular and bold. – perfect for display typography and intended for headline usage. Created by Indian Type Foundry, you can find it in Easil or Google Fonts.
Perfectly pairs with: Roberto and Open Sans.

Create with this font template in Easil.
This bold, painted typeface was created by Tyler Finck. It’s a brush type font in italics and perfect if you want a handwritten feel to your project. It’s available in Easil and Google Fonts for free.
Perfectly pairs with: Roboto and Raleway.

Create with this font template in Easil.
Kristi is a calligraphy font inspired by old chancery typefaces. It’s made with a basic felt-pen and reflects the bold, quick moves we make when writing. It’s tall with slim vertical lines so it’s perfect for titles and text at large size.It can also be used for logo type or headings.
Kristi was designed by Birgit Pulk, a graphic designer from Estonia. Fun fact: Kristi is a common Estonian girl’s name. You can find Kristi (the font) in Easil in our font selector, or for free in Google Fonts.
Perfectly pairs with: Raleway and Open Sans.

Create with this font template in Easil.
Kumar One is a Display Serif Typeface with Dark and High Contrast letterforms. Created by the Indian Type Foundry. Find it in Easil (Regular) in our font selector, or find it for free in Google Fonts
Perfectly pairs with: Roboto and Lato.

Create with this font template in Easil.
Kumar One Outline, like Kumar One is also a Display Serif in outline style. This vertical contrast design was created by Indian Type Foundry. You can use Kuma One Outline right now in Easil in our font selector, or find it for free in Google Fonts
Perfectly pairs with: Lato and Roboto.

Create with this font template in Easil.
You’ve seen Lato mentioned quite a lot in this post. A popular font, it pairs well with many other fonts. It’s a Sans Serif font – sleek, classical and warm… maybe because it was designed in the Summer of 2010 by Warsaw-based designer Lukasz Dziedzic. And because “Lato” means “Summer” in Polish. So…warm it is! Lato is a popular favourite in Easil and also can be found in Google Fonts.
Perfectly pairs with: Oswald and Open Sans.

Create with this font template in Easil.
League Script is a modern script font that is inspired by handwritten letters (and love notes!). According to the creator, Haley Fiege, it’s a “coquettish” or flirtashious script font Find it in Easil in our font selector, or find it for free in Google Fonts.
Perfectly pairs with: Lato and Lora.

Create with this font template in Easil.
Leckerli One is all about display fun! It has irregular brush shapes with lots of fun loops, and is sweet in character. It’s useful for headings and shorter texts. Created by Gesine Todt, you can find Leckerli One right now in Easil in our font selector, or find it for free in Google Fonts.
Perfectly pairs with: Ubunto and Roboto.

Create with this font template in Easil.
Do you love old retro typewriters as much as we do at Easil? Then you’ll love this font. Lekton is inspired by the typefaces of old, not from a computer but a clackity-clack original typewriter. Specifically, it’s inspired by the typefaces used on Olivetti typewriters.
Created by ISIA Urbino in Italy, it’s Italian typewriter style, through and through. Find it in Easil ready to start designing or in Google Fonts.
Perfectly pairs with: Pacifico and Raleway.

Create with this font template in Easil.
Libre Baskerville is a Roman serif web font optimized for onscreen body text. Created by Impallari Type it comes in Regular, Regular Italic and Bold. Find it in Easil in our font selector, or find it for free in Google Fonts.
Perfectly pairs with: Oswald and Roboto.

Create with this font template in Easil.
Looking for a playful font? Lilyscript is it. Created by Julia Petretta, this sturdy display script font is playful with a bold texture and is ideal for large format lettering. Find it in Easil in our font selector, or find it for free in Google Fonts.
Perfectly pairs with: Arvo and Open Sans.

Create with this font template in Easil.
Neon. Retro. Art Deco. Lots of things spring to mind when you see Limelight font. It’s a classic high contrast art deco style geometric sans serif font (say that 5 times fast!). Think: theatre, 1920’s, Hollywood – all are captured beautifully with this font.
Created by Sorkin Type, you can find Limelight in Easil in our font selector, or find it for free in Google Fonts.
Perfectly pairs with: Lato and Josefin Sans.

Create with this font template in Easil.
Lobster is a lovely bold, retro-style condensed script font that has become hugely popular over recent years. So much so that it risked being over-used, but in the right project it can still really shine. Created by Impallari Type (Cyreal) you can use Lobster now in Easil or you can find it in Google Fonts.
Perfectly pairs with: Open Sans and Roboto.

Create with this font template in Easil.
Londrina Shadow Font is a display type ,informal font that’s created in poster-style. The handiwork of Marcelo Magalhães, you can find it now in Easil, or in Google Fonts.
Perfectly pairs with: Open Sans and Raleway.

Create with this font template in Easil.
Londrina Sketch combines with other members of the Londrina Family for effect – like Londrina Shadow and Londrina Solid. Also created by Marcelo Magalhães. Find them both in Easil in our font selector, or for free in Google Fonts.
Perfectly pairs with: Roboto and Raleway.

Create with this font template in Easil.
pair with Londrina Shadow and Londrina Solid for effect (both also available in Easil). Created by Marcelo Magalhães this is another informal display type, in poster style. Inspired by the Streets of Sao Paulo, Brazil. Find it in Easil in our font selector, or find it for free in Google Fonts.
Perfectly pairs with: Open Sans and Roboto.

Create with this font template in Easil.
Lora is a well-balanced contemporary serif, with roots in traditional calligraphy. As a text typeface with moderate contrast, it’s well suited for body text. Created by Cyreal, you’ll find Lora waiting for you in Easil in our font selector – or free in Google Fonts.
Perfectly pairs with: Open Sans and Lato.

Create with this font template in Easil.
This handwritten, sketchy, slab serif font is about love and fun. Created by Kimberly Geswein in honor of the bond with her older sister Emily, you can find “Love Ya Like A Sister” in Easil in our font selector, or find it for free in Google Fonts.
Perfectly pairs with: Raleway and Open Sans.

Create with this font template in Easil.
Loved by the King is a skinny handwritten type also from Kimberly Geswein. Find it in Easil and free in Google Fonts.
Perfectly pairs with: Raleway and Open Sans.

Create with this font template in Easil.
If you’re looking for a fun, heavyweight font for titles and headings, then Luckiest Guy is your guy. This sans serif typeface was inspired by 1960s advertisements and has a custom hand lettering feel. Created by Astigmatic, you can use Luckiest Guy right now in Easil in our font selector, or in Google Fonts.
Perfectly pairs with: Roboto and Open Sans.

Create with this font template in Easil.
Casual and fun, Luna is a handwritten, marker style font that is suitable for small through to large sizes. Download your copy of Luna from DaFont.
Perfectly pairs with: Arvo and Work Sans.

Create with this font template in Easil.
Maiden Orange is a light, festive slab serif font, again inspired by the ads of our past – 150s advertisements in this case. Created by Astigmatic, it’s offbeat and friendly and great for kid-focused projects or anything retro and fun. Find it in Easil in our font selector, or Google Fonts.
Perfectly pairs with: Open Sans Condensed and Lato..

Create with this font template in Easil.
Maven Pro is a serif typeface with unique curvature and flowing rhythm – blending styles of many typefaces. Available in Easil and in Google Fonts.
Perfectly pairs with: Montserrat and Roboto.

Create with this font template in Easil.
Meddon is a handwriting font inspired by the handwritten script of 18th century legal documents. It’s brush-like strokes were created by Vernon Adams. Find it in Easil’s font selector and in Google Fonts.
Perfectly pairs with: Montserrat and Open Sans.

Create with this font template in Easil.
Medula One is a futuristic and linear san serif font. Created by Latino Type, this friendly font is great for display work. Find it in Easil in our font selector, or find it for free in Google Fonts.
Perfectly pairs with: Open Sans and Dosis.

Create with this font template in Easil.
An experimental font by Daniel Johnson, this is a great fit if you are looking for a futuristic style of typography. Ready to use in Easil , or find it for free in Google Fonts.
Perfectly pairs with: Raleway and Open Sans.

Create with this font template in Easil.
Merriweather is a medium contrast semi condensed typeface. It’s designed to be pleasant to read on screens, even at very small sizes. Created by Sorkin Type, Merriweather is in our Easil font selector, as well as in Google Fonts.
Perfectly pairs with: Montserrat and Open Sans Condensed.

Create with this font template in Easil.
Metal Mania comes to us from th.e inspiration of a Heavy Metal album cover. This font is perfect for music and concert posters. Created by Open Window, find it in Easil in our font selector, or in Google Fonts.
Perfectly pairs with: Roboto and Open Sans.

Create with this font template in Easil.
Monoton is a a pure display webfont designed to be used at font sizes above 30 points. Designed by Vernon Adams. Find it in Easil. Or you can also find it in Google Fonts.
Perfectly pairs with: Roboto and Raleway.

Create with this font template in Easil.
This font draws its inspiration from 1960s beauty product ads. It’s a joyful, elegant font and perfect for display projects. Created by Astigmatic, Montez has sweeping with strokes that are designed for medium to large text sizes for optimal readability. Find it in Easil or Google Fonts.
Perfectly pairs with: Open Sans and Roboto.

Create with this font template in Easil.
Montserrat is a crowd favourite sans-serif, rounded typeface font with low contrast. Designed to celebrate the old posters and signs in the traditional neighbourhood of Buenos Aires, this font is all about urban typography from the first half of the 20th Century. Created by Julieta Ulanovsky, the goal was to rescue what is “Montserrat and set it free, under a free, libre and open source lience.
You can add a taste of Argentina to your projects by using Montserrat right within Easil – it’s in our font selector waiting to go, and also available via Google Fonts.
Perfectly pairs with: Lato and Oswald.

Create with this font template in Easil.
Just like Montserrat, this version of the font (also a sans-serif typeface) is also about the old posters and signs of the traditional Montserrat neighbourhood in Buenos Aires.
As urban development changes the neighbourhood, some of the designs that are special and unique to the area were in danger of being lost – and the font was created to help preserve it. This version is the Subrayada family – a sister to the Regular and Alternates families ofthe Montserrat font. “Subrayada” means “Underlined” in Spanish. Hence the underlined elements.
Creator, Julieta Ulanovsky has stated that “the letters that inspired this project have work, dedication, care, color, contrast, light, life, day and night”. It’s all about what makes the city look so beautiful. Find it in Easil in our font selector, or find it for free in Google Fonts
Perfectly pairs with: Open Sans and Raleway.

Create with this font template in Easil.
Mountains of Christmas is everything you want in a font for the Christmas season. Created by Crystal Kluge and the Tart Workshop, it’s a perfectly playful and casual serif font that oozes Santa and Elves and snow and all things Christmas – bringing Christmas to your project all year round. Find it in Easil in our font selector, or find it for free in Google Fonts
Perfectly pairs with: Open Sans and Arvo.

Create with this font template in Easil.
Mr Dafoe is a handwritten calligraphy script, designed with history in mind – a hat tip to the Bluemlein scripts, assembled and created by collecting different signatures and then building complete alphabets from them. Mr Dafoe therefore celebrates the history of the many hundreds of hand letterers in the United States from the 1930s through to WWII, especially in the New York area.
These highly skilled artisans dropped away with the advent of photo lettering (and later digital typography made it virtually extinct). It’s funny now, to think that we are seeing a huge resurrection of hand lettering – you just have to open your Instagram account to see it in action! Created by Sudtipos, Mr Dafoe is in Easil for you to use, or find it for free in Google Fonts.
Perfect Font Pairing: Roboto and Oswald.

Create with this font template in Easil.
Hand drawn Mustache Brush Script is full of detail and perfect for using at medium to large sizes. Get your copy from joelmaker, or test it out on Easil by clicking the link below.
Perfectly pairs with: Mustache Rounded and Open sans.

Create with this font template in Easil.
The sibling font to Mustache Brush Script, this elegant version should be your first choice for pairing with the script. Featuring slightly rough edges, it’s perfect for informal graphic styles. Also available from joelmaker, or test it out on Easil by clicking the link below.
Perfectly pairs with: Work Sans and Roboto Light.

Create with this font template in Easil.
The final font in the Mustache family, this handwritten script font is elegant and edgy. Use it on anything from wedding invitations through to menus. Get your copy from joelmaker, or test it out on Easil by clicking the link below.
Perfectly pairs with: Oswald Light and Montserrat Light.

Create with this font template in Easil.
Font creator Joelmaker has done it again with this modern calligraphy font – we’re in love! Casually elegant, it’s perfect for using on anything from social media quote graphics through to event poster designs. Get to it – try it on Easil now, or buy your own copy from joelmaker
Perfectly pairs with: PT Serif and Open Sans.

Create with this font template in Easil.
Norican is a script-type display font, that has emerged from the combination of old script fonts, including Stehenson Blake’s ‘Glenmoy’ from circa 1920s Created by Vernon Adams, it’s in in Easil ready to go, or find it for free in Google Fonts
Perfectly pairs with: Lato and Roboto.

Create with this font template in Easil.
If you want to add a touch of ‘creep’ or horror to your projects, then Nosifer is a great display type font to use. It’s just oozes Halloween. It’s created by Typemondo and you can find it in Easil in our font selector, or in Google Fonts.
Perfectly pairs with: Open Sans and Titan One.

Create with this font template in Easil.
Notica is a contemporary, humanist slab serif typeface. It’s original design was for running text on digital newspapers so it’s a typeface that’s perfect for the modern era of screens and digital content. It’s created by JM Solé and ready to go in Easil – or find it in Google Fonts.
Perfectly pairs with: Lobster and Playfair Display.

Create with this font template in Easil.
Created by Google themselves, Noto is a Serif type that was designed to make the web more beautiful. It got its name for an unusual reason. When text characters are not displayed properly on a computer screen (because there is no font to support them) the small boxes that appear instead are called ‘tofu’. Noto font families were named after ‘tofu’ and designed to make the web more beautiful across all platforms for all languages. Find Noto Serif in Easil in our font selector, and of course, in Google Fonts.
Perfectly pairs with: Noto Sans or Open Sans and Inconsolata

Create with this font template in Easil.
Oleo Script is a flowy (yet highly legible) non-connected script typeface. Created by Soytutype Fonts, you can find Oleo Script in Easil or for free in Google Fonts.
Perfectly pairs with: Roboto and Open Sans.

Create with this font template in Easil.
One of the most versatile and popular fonts around, Open Sans is a humanist sans serif typeface – created by Steve Matteson, Type Director of Ascender Corp. It was designed with an upright stress, open forms and a friendly appearance. It’s optimised for print, web, mobile because it has excellent legibility across all mediums. Find it in Easil in our font selector, or find it for free in Google Fonts.
Perfectly pairs with: Roboto and Lato.

Create with this font template in Easil.
Continuing on from Open Sans above, Open Sans Condensed is also created by Steve Matteson, Type Director of Ascender Corp – but a sans serif condensed version of the typeface. Find it in Easil right now, or in Google Fonts
Perfectly pairs with: Open Sans and Oswald.

Create with this font template in Easil.
Oswald is a condensed reworking of the classic style of the ‘Alternate Gothic sans serif typefaces. Created by Vernon Adams, find it in Easil in our font selector, or find it for free in Google Fonts
Perfectly pairs with: Lato and Raleway.

Create with this font template in Easil.
Just like the song, this font in handwriting style will make you smile and bring an upbeat demeanour to any project! It’s slightly connected but not a ‘true’ script font. Created by Kimberly Geswein, you can find it Somewhere Over the Rainbow in Easil (ready to use in our font selector) or in Google Fonts
Perfectly pairs with: Open Sans and Amatic SC.

Create with this font template in Easil.
Based on Russian sans serif types of the latter part of the 20th century (and developed for the Public Types of the Russian Federation) is a humanistic sans serif narrow font that’s great for all kinds of urban projects, business applications, signs and large screens.
Created by ParaType, you can find it in Easil in our font selector, or find it for free in Google Fonts.
Perfectly pairs with: PT Serif or Raleway.

Create with this font template in Easil.
Surf’s Up with Pacifico – a popular font created by Vernon Adams. It’s a fun, original brush script handwriting font – inspired by the Surf Culture of the 1950s. Find it in Easil in our font selector, or find it for free in Google Fonts.
Perfectly pairs with: Open Sans and Merriweather.

Create with this font template in Easil.
Believe it or not, this font was inspired by a 1960s Bra advertisement! Created by Astigmatic, it has a little bounce in it, and has intentional irregularity to give it a classic (yet very free-spirited) feel. Find this casual connecting script font in Easil in our font selector, or in Google Fonts.
Perfectly pairs with: Open Sans and Roboto.

Create with this font template in Easil.
A popular style throughout the history of typography, Pathway Gothic One is a narrow grotesque sans typeface. Created by Eduardo Tunni, you can find this font in the font selector in Easil or in Google Fonts.
Perfectly pairs with: Raleway and Open Sans.

Create with this font template in Easil.
Patua One is a Slab serif text type (with thick, curved serifs) designed for use in small sizes and designed to generate visual impact. Created by LatinoType. Find it in Easil and Google Fonts.
Perfectly pairs with: Open Sans and Lato.

Create with this font template in Easil.
Paytone One is a Sans serif typeface developed for display and headlines. Casual with round bowls, the slanted stroke terminals add a sense of fun to the overall appearance of this font. Created by Vernon Adams, this font can be found in Easil in our font selector, and in Google Fonts.
Perfectly pairs with: Raleway and Source Sans Pro.

Create with this font template in Easil.
Sharpie fun! The whole idea of the font ‘Permanent Marker’ is to re-create the look and feel of a marker! Created by Font Diner, you can find this font in Easil or find it in Google Fonts.
Perfectly pairs with: Open Sans and Roboto.

Create with this font template in Easil.
Pinyon is a romantic (and confident) round hand script style font. Created by Nicole Fally, you can find it in Easil in our font selector, or find it for free in Google Fonts.
Perfectly pairs with: Open Sans and Roboto.

Create with this font template in Easil.
Plaster is a low contrast geometric design, suitable for medium to large size headlines. The wide space between letters also makes it easy to read. Created by Sorkin Type, find Plaster in Easil in our font selector, or free in Google Fonts
Perfectly pairs with: Open Sans and Lato.

Create with this font template in Easil.
Got a sporting event or special “active” occasion to display in a project? Playball is the perfect connecting script for the job. Created by TypeSETit, you’ll find Playball in Easil in our font selector and in Google Fonts.
Perfect Font Pairing: Montserrat and Roboto.

Create with this font template in Easil.
Playfair Display is a traditional display serif design, created by Claus Eggers Sørensen. It’s well suited for titles and headlines. Find it in Easil in our font selector, or find it for free in Google Fonts.
Perfectly pairs with: Open Sans and Lato.

Create with this font template in Easil.
Poiret One is a fresh, geometric font with a strong hint of Art Deco and c‘onstructivism. It’s elegant in its simplicity. Designed by Denis Masharov, you can find it in Easil in our font selector, or find it for free in Google Fonts.
Perfectly pairs with: Roboto and Raleway.

Create with this font template in Easil.
Poppins is a geometric sans serif typeface, available in Regular and Bold. Created by Indian Type Foundry, you can find it included in our font selector in Easil or free in Google Fonts.
Perfectly pairs with: Roboto and Open Sans.

Create with this font template in Easil.
This awesome font by Tyler Finck is perfect for display use. With it’s inline detail and heavy shadow, we’re leaving it for large – stand out – menu headings, and on our poster creations. We can’t get enough of it! Find it in Easil in our font selector, or find it for free in Font Squirrel.
Perfectly pairs with: Raleway Extra Bold and Open Sans.

Create with this font template in Easil.
Quicksand, other than being a cool name for a font, is a display sans serif with rounded terminals – created by Andrew Paglinawan. And yes, it’s in Easil in our font selector, or free in Google Fonts
Perfectly pairs with: Roboto and Open Sans.

Create with this font template in Easil.
Qwigley is a brush script to love – it has a beautiful contemporary design with stylized character. Created by TypeSETit, it’s available for you now in Easil and in Google Fonts.
Perfectly pairs with: Roboto and Quicksand

Create with this font template in Easil.
Raleway is a hugely popular font with an elegant sans-serif typeface. The Raleway font family is large (available in Regular, Extra Bold, Extra Light, Heavy, Light, Medium and Semi-Bold weights). It works well for headings and other large size usage. Created by Matt McInerney, find it in Easil in our font selector, or find it for free in Google Fonts.
Perfectly pairs with: Oswald and Open Sans.

Create with this font template in Easil.
Roboto is a sans serif font, great for body text. The creator, Christian Robertson, describes it as having a mechanical skeleton and largely geometric forms. It’s friendly with open curves and can be found ready and waiting for your next project in Easil and in Google Fonts.
Perfectly pairs with: Montserrat and Oswald.

Create with this font template in Easil.
Just as popular as Roboto, Roboto Condensed is the condensed sans serif version of Roboto – great for body text. Created by Christian Robertson. Find it in Easil in our font selector, or find it for free in Google Fonts.
Perfectly pairs with: Roboto or Open Sans and Raleway.

Create with this font template in Easil.
Like the other “Robotos”, Roboto Slab is a slab serif, great for body text. Created by Christian Robertson, it can be used effectively alongside the other Roboto fonts, Roboto and Roboto Condensed. Find it in Easil and Google Fonts.
Perfectly pairs with: Open Sans and Roboto Condensed.

Create with this font template in Easil.
Rock Salt is a handwritten font, hand-crafted to achieve the personal look of a felt-tip marker. Created by Sideshow, it’s in Easil and Google Fonts.
Perfectly pairs with: Open Sans and Raleway.

Create with this font template in Easil.
Rozha One is a Display Serif, with thick and thin strokes that make it an excellent choice for large headlines and poster-size graphics. Find it in Easil in our font selector, or find it for free in Google Fonts. Created by Indian Type Foundry.
Perfectly pairs with: Roboto and Open Sans.

Create with this font template in Easil.
Rubik One is a San Serif font family. Fun Fact: Google Creative Lab approached the founders Hubert & Fischer to design a typeface for the branding of the Rubik’s Cube Exhibition,”Beyond Rubik’s Cube” in Jersey City. So the slightly rounded corners are inspired by the single cubelet of a Rubik’s Cube. You can find it in Easil in our font selector, or find it for free in Google Fonts.
Perfectly pairs with: Oswald and Open Sans.

Create with this font template in Easil.
Sail is a Didot script, perfect for headline and display text, as well as Poster designs. It has elegant swashes matched with clean lowercases, making it also suitable for larger paragraphs. Designed by Miguel Hernandez, you can find Sail in Easil in our font selector, or in Google Fonts.
Perfectly pairs with: Roboto and Playfair Display.

Create with this font template in Easil.
Sanchez is a punchy San Serif font created by Daniel Hernandez and available in Regular and Italic. If you recognise it, then that’s probably because it bears resemblance to the iconic Rockwell font, but with rounded edges. Find it in Easil in our font selector, or find it for free in Google Fonts.
Perfectly pairs with: Lato and Open Sans.

Create with this font template in Easil.
Looking for a font that is reminiscent of the Wild West? Sancreek is that font! It is a Display Type font in western style. Mostly used as an all-caps display webfont, it is a contemporary take on some of the old wooden posters of the nineteenth century in the West. Created by Vernon Adams, find it in Easil and Google Fonts.
Perfect Font Pairing: Merriweather and Open Sans.

Create with this font template in Easil.
Sansita One is a beautiful, calligraphy inspired font, that’s perfect for branding and slogans as well as packaging and shorter texts – created by Omnibus-Type. Find it in Easil and Google Fonts.
Perfect Font Pairing: Open Sans and Roboto.

Create with this font template in Easil.
Sarina’s flowing brush style letterforms are casual and breezy. Created by James Grieshaber, this display typeface font is available in both Easil and Google Fonts.
Perfectly pairs with: Montserrat and Roboto.

Create with this font template in Easil.
Satisfy is a brush script, ready to add a little pizazz to your next project. It has a timeless classic feel with modern flair. Created by Sideshow, you can find Satisfy in Easil and Google Fonts.
Perfect Font Pairing: Roboto and Open Sans.

Create with this font template in Easil.
Six Caps is narrow and elegant. It’s a highly condensed, tight display font. It’s a stripped down and normalized version of classic grotesque display letterforms. Created by Vernon Adams, you can find it in Easil and Google Fonts.
Perfect Font Pairing: Open Sans and Roboto.

Create with this font template in Easil.
Slackley is plain old fun! This chunky display font is created by Sideshow and Slackey is ready and waiting for fun in Easil or Google Fonts.
Perfectly pairs with: Josefin Slab and Lato.

Create with this font template in Easil.
Smokum is another western inspired slab-serif font with a playful swagger and a contrast of thick and thin strokes. Use it for headlines and display and a little bit of country flair for your projects. Created by Astigmatic, you can find Smokum in Easil and Google Fonts.
Perfect Font Pairing: Raleway and Roboto.

Create with this font template in Easil.
Sofia is an upright script font with some unconventional ligatures. It’s friendly, a little flirty and has a versatile typeface. Created by LatinoType and found in Easil, in our font selector, and Google Fonts.
Perfectly pairs with: Open Sans and Quicksand.

Create with this font template in Easil.
Source Sans Pro is a sans serif typeface designed to work well in user interfaces of all type. It’s Adobe’s first open source typeface family and was designed by Paul D. Hunt. Find it in Easil in our font selector, or find it for free in Google Fonts
Perfect Font Pairing: Open Sans and Raleway.

Create with this font template in Easil.
This is the sister family to Adobe’sSource Sans Pro (the first open source typeface family by Adobe and designed by Paul D. Hunt. Available now in Easil or in Google Fonts.
Perfect Font Pairing: Source Sans Pro and Playfair Display.

Create with this font template in Easil.
Handpainted script font Southamton font features sexy curves and elegant lines. Find it in Easil in our font selector, or buy your copy here.
Perfect Font Pairing: Playfair Display and Work Sans.

Create with this font template in Easil.
Special Elite is the combination of old school analog and vintage typewriter typeface for your website and designs. And a dose of inked-up grunge! Created by Astigmatic, you can find Special Elite in Easil and Google Fonts.
Perfectly pairs with: Open Sans Condensed and Merriweather.

Create with this font template in Easil.
Spicy Rice is fun, exotic and exciting – the perfect display type if you want to stand out. Perfect for Summer Festivals, music jams or even winter holidays. Created by Astigmatic, you can start the party with Spicy Rice in Easil or find it in Google Fonts.
Perfect Font Pairing: Oswald and Raleway.

Create with this font template in Easil.
Squada One is a Display type font, with a bold presence and geometric, condensed form. Created by Joe Prince, you can find it in Easil and Google Fonts.
Perfectly pairs with: Lato and Open Sans.

Create with this font template in Easil.
Stardos Stencil is a stencilled display serif, created by Vernon Adams. Find it in Easil in our font selector, or find it for free in Google Fonts.
Perfect Font Pairing: Open Sans and Source Sans Pro.

Create with this font template in Easil.
Sue Ellen Francisco is a tall, skinny handwritter font perfect for any project that pair swell with slender text. Created by Kimberly Geswein (and it’s based on her handwriting), it’savailable now for you to use in Easil or Google Fonts.
Perfect Font Pairing: Open Sans and Roboto.

Create with this font template in Easil.
Teko is a Display type for headlines created by Indian Type Foundry and it works well on screen or in print and perfect for advertising or television screens. Find it in Easil in our font selector, or find it for free in Google Fonts.
Perfect Font Pairing: Montserrat and Open Sans.

Create with this font template in Easil.
Talented font creator Wackaksara brings you Thillends, a hand lettered typefect with dramatic movement. We love the detail – we love the personality. We love using it to give any project an instant lift. Try it out on Easil today, or buy your own copy by downloading here.
Perfect Font Pairing: Zilla Slab and Roboto Light.

Create with this font template in Easil.
Tradewinds is a brush type display font, perfect for any pirate-esque project. Arrrrrrrrrr. Created by SideShow and ready for you me hearties in our font selector in Easil or over the sea in Google Fonts.
Perfect Font Pairing: Open Sans and Roboto.

Create with this font template in Easil.
It’s the handwriting you always wished you had. It’s cool, it’s casual, it’s – Trash Hand. Keep it well away from Corporate documents and instead save it for funky cafe menu headings, social media graphics, and large format posters. Find it in Easil in our font selector, or find it for free from DaFont.
Perfect Font Pairing: Libre Baskerville and Lato Regular.

Create with this font template in Easil.
Ubuntu is a sans-serif with personality! Created by Dalton Maag it’s designed for clarity on desktop and mobile computing screens. Find it in Easil in our font selector, and in Google Fonts
Perfect Font Pairing: Roboto and Lato.

Create with this font template in Easil.
Ultra is a bold slab typeface with nods to the wood type styles. It’s bold, strong and dynamic and created by Astigmatic. Available now in Easil and Google Fonts.
Perfect Font Pairing: Open Sans and Roboto.

Create with this font template in Easil.
Unica One is a condensed unicase sans serif style font. It’s great for composing headlines and short text, and was designed by Eduardo Tunni for readability and simplicity. Grab it in Easil and Google Fonts.
Perfect Font Pairing: Karla or Montserrat or Open Sans.

Create with this font template in Easil.
Unifrattur Magnuntia is a blackletter font designed by J. ‘mach’ Wust. Find it in Easil in our font selector, or find it for free in Google Fonts
Perfect Font Pairing: Open Sans and Roboto.

Create with this font template in Easil.
Vampira is a low contrast script font. Perfect for display and Halloween and Vampire things. Created by Riccardo De Franceschi and Sorkin Type, find it in Easil and Google Fonts
Perfect Font Pairing: Merriweather and Ubuntu.

Create with this font template in Easil.
Vast Shadow is a Victorian style slab serif advertising type. It is a strong sturdy font, combined with just a touch of refinement and a drop shadow effect. Created by Nicole Vally, you can find it in Easil in our font selector, and in Google Fonts.
Perfect Font Pairing: Oswald and Open Sans.

Create with this font template in Easil.
Vidaloka is a high contrast display type, with a baroque feel. It has urlified drops and sloped terminals. Perfect for typeface and short blocks of text. Created by Cyreal, you can find it ready to go in Easil or Google Fonts.
Perfect Font Pairing: Open Sans and Roboto.

Create with this font template in Easil.
Water Turncoat is a handwritten block type font in san serif that’s perfect for web and print. Created by Sideshow you can find it ready to use in Easil or Google Fonts.
Perfect Font Pairing: Montserrat and Oswald.

Create with this font template in Easil.
Work Sans is a sans serif designed for web and print. Created by Wei Huang, you can find it in Easil in our font selector, or find it for free in Google Fonts.
Perfect Font Pairing: Roboto and Lato.

Create with this font template in Easil.
Yanone is a condensed typeface available in Bold, Extra Light and Light. Created by Cyreal, you can find Yanone in Easil ready to go or in Google Fonts.
Perfectly pairs with: Roboto and Lato.

Create with this font template in Easil.
Yellowtail is a popular old-school flavored flat brush script typeface of medium weight. Created by Astigmatic, you can find Yellowtail ready and waiting in Easil and Google Fonts.
Perfectly pairs with: Montserrat and Roboto.

Create with this font template in Easil.
Yesteryear is a flat nib connecting script that just screams “vintage automobiles”. It’s apparently loosely based on the title screen from the 1942 film “The Palm Beach Story”. Think cars of yesteryear and get creative with this font! Created by Astigmatic, you can find it ready to go on a road trip with you in Easil and also in Google Fonts.
Perfect Font Pairing: Roboto and Raleway.

Create with this font template in Easil.
Phew. That’s a lot of delicious fonts.
Are you feeling inspired by all the fonts and the font pairing suggestions and examples?
Just to finish off we have a few last tips for you:
Final Tips for Font Pairing
When choosing your perfectly paired fonts, do the following:
- Choose the right font for the right background. Choose a simple, minimalistic, bold font if you are going to be adding it to a busy background (or over an image). If you have a plain background, then by all means, add some flourish.
- Use Filters and Blur. If you need to make your font pop, then use filters over your image. Or blur the background. These are powerful strategies for working with a detailed background image.
- Don’t use too many fonts. Just two fonts is the ideal number. Three is the maximum we’d recommend. If you must use more than two fonts, then consider choosing two of them from within the same font family.
- Experiment with font weight. You can use the same font, but in a different font weight. This adds the “effect” of an extra font. You could even experiment with using 3 different font weights of the same font. (ie light, regular, bold).
Remember – These fonts are available in Easil, ready to go!
We’ve added the source for the fonts in this post, but the best part is that they are all available in Easil for you to use NOW in your designs and projects.
And if you get stuck, reach out to our design team at Team Easil. We offer an exclusive design assist service to help you get your designs on track.
And remember that you need a font that is not currently loaded into Easil, you can upload your own brand fonts, or free fonts (as well as paid, licensed fonts) if you have the Plus plan or above in Easil. Winning!
Over to You
Did this guide fire up your love of fonts and all things typography?
Tell us what your biggest challenge is when choosing fonts for your projects!