Get set for inspiring social media content ideas with our February Content Calendar Ideas. You’ll be all scheduled and ready to go (with templates) for your social media posts, prepped and set for the full month of February.
We’ll be updating our monthly content calendar posts every year so you always have the current selection of daily, weekly, and monthly posts. We’ve included local, national, and international holidays and “days” of celebration so you can use them throughout the month of February, wherever you are.
All the hard work has been done with our February Content Calendar. It’s packed with content creation ideas for events as well as marketing ideas to get you started. We’ve also added hashtags for you to use. And the best part? We’ve added free graphic templates for many of the posts so you can click through to Easil and get started straight away.
Here’s a snapshot of what we’ve included for each day in February:
- Fun celebrations for every day in February – and more than one suggestion for each “day” so you can choose the one that appeals to you most.
- Bonus “Unique and Unusual” Holidays… it’s the weird, wonderful and wacky!
- Additional Week-long holiday celebrations
- Additional Month-long holiday celebrations
It’s easy for you to celebrate international, national, and local holidays with our February Content Calendar. And if you choose one of our unique holiday ideas, you’re likely to make your audience curious!
Whether it’s Safer Internet Day, Retro Day, or Pizza Day, now you have no excuse for boring posts in February. We’ve got you covered each and every day. And of course, we’ve included major days of celebration like Valentine’s Day, to remind your followers about.
Tips for Using our February Content Calendar Ideas
Here are a few tips and tricks, so you can get the most out of this February Content Calendar:
- Choose celebrations or holidays that are in sync with your brand or audience. Remember there are a number of topics or interests that your audience might have that are outside of your content. Just because your audience is interested in business tips doesn’t mean they don’t appreciate great food like frozen yoghurt, pistachios, and pizza (yes, they are all February Days) or deserve to pamper themselves on Read in the Bathtub Day. Get creative with unusual and unique holidays. They can also give a human face to your brand because people can relate to you more if you get excited about something like Random Acts of Kindness Day!
- Remember this list is not exhaustive. We haven’t listed every day of celebration in this list of February Content. But it’s a great place to get started and should trigger you to think about content ideas for your social media posts.
- Check before posting. Although we’ve done our best to double-check every entry, please understand that some dates change every year (ie they might fall on the “first Sunday of the month”). So, despite our best efforts to check the dates each year, we recommend that you do a simple Google search on any that you post about to check. If you see an error, let us know!
- Check hashtags first on Instagram. We endeavor to share hashtags that are not banned by Instagram, but we recommend you use the tips in this post to check hashtags before posting. There are over 100k hashtags banned by Instagram at any time (temporarily or indefinitely). This happens when the hashtag or content posted under the hashtag violates Instagram’s Community Guidelines. Unfortunately, this includes some “normal” hashtags like “Easter, Valentine’s Day, New Years” that are removed when users post content against Instagram’s guidelines. These may change so always best to check.
Adding Images to Your February Social Media Posts
There are many ways you can use our content calendar for February Content ideas. You can start with one of our Easil templates or simply just add one of your own photos or assets to illustrate the day you’re posting about. Or you can post a quote that relates to the day instead!
Month of February Content Calendar Ideas
Let’s jump in! This is our mega-list of local, national, international (and of course, unusual) holidays for the month of February:
1st February:
National Baked Alaska Day
Meringue lovers unite! If you’ve never had a Baked Alaska then today might be the day. It’s a dish made from topping sponge cake with vanilla ice cream and then whipped meringue. The whole thing is then baked in the oven quickly at a high temperature to cook the outside and make it go caramel brown… and then you eat it quickly! It was created at the famous Delmonico’s Restaurant in New York in 1876.
Hashtags to use #NationalBakedAlaskaDay #BakedAlaskaDay
Change Your Password Day
Apparently, we are supposed to be changing our passwords as much as every 1-3 months?! Wasn’t aware of this… better get to it! If you can’t get around to adding that to your monthly schedule, at least start with the 1st of February. Keep your password secure, too, so don’t forget to add some capital letters, lowercase letters, numbers, special characters, spaces, punctuations, and a dolphin call.
Hashtag to use #ChangeYourPasswordDay
Click here to edit the free template in Easil

2nd February:
Groundhog Day
For Americans, this is the day that the Groundhog is said to come out of its hole at the end of hibernation in the winter – and one of the most well-known February content days. If the groundhog sees a shadow (ie the weather is sunny) it goes back into its hole. This predicts 6 more weeks of winter weather.
Hashtag to use #GroundhogDay
And on a more popular culture note, remember the movie “Groundhog Day” about Bill Murray’s character? He was stuck in the same repeating “Groundhog Day”? Each day started with the song “I’ve Got You Babe” on the radio, by Sonny & Cher.
Crêpe Day
When in France… celebrate like the French and join in on their celebration of the jour des crêpes. On this day, French households make crêpes, believed to symbolize prosperity.
Hashtag to use #CrepeDay
World Wetlands Day
Today is the day to discover your local wetlands or post about the wildlife and birdlife that they support or the impact of climate change. Find out more here.
Hashtag to use #WorldWetlandsDay
Wear Red Day
Founded by the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (US) Wear Red Day was established to bring awareness to the thousands of people that die every year from heart disease. It’s accepted as one of the biggest causes of death in the US and around the world. Encourage your audience to wear red in support, and get their heart health checked!
Hashtag to use #WearRedDay
Bubble Gum Day
Love or hate Bubble Gum, Bubble Gum Day is a thing! Founded in America by Author Ruth Spiro, school kids are allowed to chew gum at school if they donate 50c to a charity. This is a fun one for your February content.
Hashtag to use #BubblegumDay

3rd February:
National Carrot Cake Day
A great day to talk about all things carrot cake, and cake in general! With cream cheese frosting. Yes, please.
Hashtags to use #NationalCarrotCakeDay #CarrotCakeDay
National Day the Music Died Day
Remembered in Don McLean’s American Pie, this is the day that Buddy Holly, Richie Valens, and J. P. Richardson, aka: “The Big Bopper” died in a plane crash in Iowa, United States. The day the music died.
Hashtags to use #NationalDayTheMusicDiedDay #DayTheMusicDiedDay
Golden Retriever Day
Golden Retrievers are one of the most common dog breeds in the world, Highland Canine’s 2019 count in fact lists them as the 6th most popular breed. Known for their happy and playful demeanor, it’s no wonder the Golden Retriever is so well-liked!
Hashtag to use #GoldenRetrieverDay
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Ice Cream for Breakfast Day
Break out the pancakes, today is the day you get to have ice cream for breakfast! Ask your audience what their favorite way to eat ice cream is, share an ice cream quote or just eat ice cream.
Hashtag to use #IceCreamForBreakfastDay

4th February:
World Cancer Day
Every February 4th is a day the world comes together to raise awareness about cancer, and to encourage its prevention, detection, and treatment. Find out more here.
Hashtags to use #WorldCancerDay
Click here to edit the free template in Easil

Homemade Soup Day
For a large part of the world, it’s still cold in February so with snow still falling, there’s nothing like a bowl or cup of homemade soup. And everyone relates to homemade soup, so add it to your February content for social media!
Hashtag to use #HomemadeSoupDay

5th February:
World Nutella Day
In celebration of the famous hazle-nutty, chocolate-y spread! One might think that it was started by the company that makes Nutella, but in fact, it was started by a blogger, Sara Rosso, who was living in Italy and loved the product. And thousands of fans around the world joined in. After an early kerfuffle involving Nutella and Trademarks, Sara was given their blessing to continue running it, and eventually, Ferrero took it over completely. You can see the website here. It’s all a bit nuts!
Hashtags to use #WorldNutellaDay #NutellaDay
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6th February:
National Frozen Yoghurt Day
Who doesn’t love Frozen Yoghurt? Now we have a “Day” to talk about it! Start by using the hashtag #FrozenYogurtDay
Hashtags to use #FrozenYoghurtDay #NationalFrozenYoghurtDay
And if you love the Netflix show, the Good Place, here’s some Frozen Yoghurt GIF fun for you: via GIPHY
7th February:
National Send a Card to a Friend Day
It’s just like it says – go old school and send a card to a friend. Or maybe to a client or business partner or someone that means something to you or your business.
Hashtag to use #SendACardToAFriendDay

National Fettuccine Alfredo Day
In true Italian Spirit, celebrate the humble Fettuccine on this day. Created by Alfredo di Lelio, an Italian restaurateur in 1908 when his wife lost her appetite after giving birth to her son. He created a delicious dish of pasta, cheese, and butter. She loved it, convinced him to put it on the menu, and then the world discovered it.
Hashtags to use #NationalFettucineAlfredoDay # FettucineAlfredoDay
8th February:
National Boy Scouts Day
Boys across the world have been doing good deeds and learning how to survive since 1908. Random facts: 181 Astronauts were part of the boy scout program, and it has also had spawned many US presidents and dignitaries. Over 117 million merit badges have been awarded. Find out more here.
Hashtags to use #NationalBoyScoutDay #BoyScoutDay
Kite Flying Day
A day of celebration and fun (and family time) for kite flying enthusiasts!
Hashtag to use #KiteFlyingDay
9th February:
National Pizza Day
Who doesn’t love Pizza? Find out – ask your audience, or ask them what their go-to toppings are. If you are a business that makes pizza, ask your audience to suggest the special of the week on an Instagram Story or choose between two different types using an Instagram Story Poll. Or send a pizza to your favorite clients. Everybody makes friends with pizza.
Hashtags to use #NationalPizzaDay #PizzaDay
Click here to edit the free template in Easil

Read in the Bathtub Day
Here’s one for the book lovers out there! Add it to your February content. Today is a good time to share a top 5 book list or ask your audience about what is on their bedside table right now (or next to their bath!).
Hashtag to use #ReadInTheBathtubDay
Click here to edit the free video template in Easil
National Toothache Day
Contrary to how this might sound, this day is about dental care, hygiene, and the prevention of toothaches.
Hashtags to use #NationalToothacheDay #ToothacheDay
10th February:
National Umbrella Day
Yes, this is about the celebration of the invention of the umbrella. Although it’s uncertain who actually invented it.. its basic inception was probably four thousand years ago. Yes, that’s right. Evidence exists of umbrella-like objects as far back as four thousand years ago in Egypt, China, and Greece. In fact, the Chinese were the first to waterproof Umbrellas for use in the rain by waxing and lacquering them.
Hashtags to use #NationalUmbrellaDay #UmbrellaDay
Click here to edit the free template in Easil

Cream Cheese Brownie Day
Yes, this is a thing, especially in the US. Think of two of our favorite desserts, cheesecake, and brownies… mixed. Follow the hashtag #CreamCheeseBrownieDay to find a great recipe! Or here’s one to try.
Hashtag to use #CreamCheeseBrownieDay
Chinese New Year
Chinese New Year is Saturday 10 February 2024, and this year is the Year of the Dragon!
Hashtags to use #ChineseNewYear #YearOfTheDragon

11th February:
National Make A Friend Day
A great day to meet someone new or start up a new friendship. Also, a great day to introduce business associates, clients or partners. Give a shout-out or make an introduction.
Hashtags to use #NationalMakeAFriendDay #MakeAFriendDay
Click here to edit the free template in Easil

National Inventors’ Day
Ronald Reagan announced the 1st Inventors Day in 1983 and it’s been happening ever since. Use it as an opportunity to celebrate a famous inventor with a quote. Maybe choose Thomas Edison, because February 11th also happens to be his birthday. He was born on 11, 1847, in Milan, Ohio.
Hashtags to use #NationalInventorsDay #InventorsDay
12th February:
National Plum Pudding Day
Wait, What? We can still talk about Plum Pudding after Christmas? In our February content? Sign us up!
Hashtags to use #NationalPlumPuddingDay #PlumPuddingDay
Darwin Day
In honor of Charles Darwin, famous for his book Charles Darwin On the Origins of Species published in 1859, and the theory of evolution by natural selection.
Hashtag to use #DarwinDay
Clean Out Your Computer Day
Celebrated on the 2nd Monday in February this day is all about cleaning up your computer, cleaning out memory and backing up your files.
Hashtag to use #CleanOutYourComputerDay
Click here to edit the free template in Easil

13th February:
World Radio Day
UNESCO announced the first world radio day in September 2011. Post with nostalgia and ask your audience to remember their first walkman.
Or post with a modern slant and talk about podcasts. It all started with radio!
Hashtag to use #WorldRadioDay
Click here to edit the free template in Easil

National Tortellini Day
Pasta lovers, this is your day to talk about your favorite stuffed pasta!
Hashtags to use #NationaTortelliniDay #TortelliniDay
Galentine’s Day
The day before Valentine’s Day is GALENTINE’S DAY – and its purpose is to celebrate just that – the GALS! Made famous in 2010 by the television series “Parks & Recreation”, Galatine’s is all about honoring friendships with the gals. Book a date with your favorite Judy today.
Hashtag to use #GalentinesDay
Click here to edit the free template in Easil

14th February:
Valentine’s Day
Va Va Voom, it’s Valentine’s Day. A day of love and romance and a busy busy day for restaurants and florists worldwide. Get your promotions and social media posts ready early, with a romantic twist.
Hashtag to use #ValentinesDay
Hint Hint: Easil is jam-packed with Valentine’s Day content and templates if you need some!

National Organ Donor Day
Today is a day for celebrating those that have donated organs and saved the lives of others. It’s a timely day to talk about making sure your loved ones know of your wishes with regard to organ donation and how to get on the national register. It’s also a good day to talk about giving blood.
Hashtags to use #NationalOrganDonorDay #OrganDonorDay
National Ferris Wheel Day
Random… but if you feel like posting something carnival-inspired, today’s the day to do it!
Hashtags to use #NationalFerrisWheelDay #FerrisWheelDay
Safer Internet Day
This is held on the 1st Tuesday in February in the United States to raise awareness about safer internet for kids and adults. Find out more here.
Hashtag to use #SaferInternetDay
15th February:
Singles Awareness Day
Noticeably this is the day after Valentine’s Day but it’s all about celebrating being single too! And if you’re a business owner, this might be a time to create a singles offer or a singles event!
Hashtag to use #SinglesAwarenessDay
National Gumdrop Day
Today is all about your favorite brightly colored candy… the humble gumdrop!
Hashtags to use #NationalGumdropDay #GumDropDay

16th February:
National Almond Day
A good one for nut-lovers and almond lovers alike. And there’s a website.
Hashtags to use #NationalAlmondDay #AlmondDay
Tim Tam Day
Oh yes, the Aussie Tim Tam has a “Day” and we’re loving it. Share how to do the Tim Tam Slam. Just mention Tim Tams and watch your chocolate-loving audience members drool over the chocolate-y yumminess.
Hashtag to use #TimTamDay
FYI if you are not Australian and you are not sure what we are talking about, Tim Tams are the most popular biscuit in Australia and Arnott’s sell over 45 million packs a year (roughly 60 Tim Tams every second)!
Click here to edit the free template in Easil

17th February:
Random Acts of Kindness Day
Although this day is celebrated on a few separate occasions throughout the year in different countries, this is one of the most popular dates. And after all, we can’t have too many Random Acts of Kindness right? So the more days, the merrier, we say! It’s a great day to share quotes like these:
- In a gentle way, you can shake the world. – Mahatma Gandhi
- Do a little bit of good where you are; it’s those little bits of good, put together that overwhelm the world. – Desmond Tutu
- You can always give something, even if it is only kindness – Anne Frank.
Hashtag to use #RandomActsOfKindnessDay
Click here to edit the free template in Easil

18th February:
National Drink Wine Day
A day to celebrate all things wine – red, white, and rosé. It’s also about promoting the health benefits of drinking wine moderately. #drinkwineday
Hashtags to use #NationalDrinkWineDay #DrinkWineDay
Click here to edit the free template in Easil
National Battery Day
A day for celebrating how our lives are for the better because of batteries!
Hashtags to use #NationalBatteryDay #BatteryDay

World Whale Day
A day to raise awareness about the protection of whales.
Find out more here and add it to your February content.
Hashtag to use #WorldWhaleDay
Click here to edit the free template in Easil

19th February:
National Chocolate Mint Day
This day was started by the US National Confectioners Association, to celebrate the taste sensation of choc mint every February 19th.
Hashtags to use #NationalChocolateMintDay #ChocolateMintDay
International Tug-of-War Day
Celebrated around the world with Tug-of-War competitions, this day celebrates the sport that dates back in history to cave paintings of men pulling in teams in opposite directions. And it was an Olympic sport until 1920!
Hashtags to use #InternationalTugOfWarDay #TugOfWarDay
20th February:
National Love Your Pet Day
It’s all about the pets today. Post pet photos or ask your followers to share their pet photos, stories, and shenanigans!
Hashtags to use #NationalLoveYourPetDay #LoveYourPetDay
Click here to edit the free template in Easil

National Cherry Pie Day
If Cherry Pie is your thing, this is the day that the US celebrates all things Cherry Pie!
Hashtags to use #NationalCherryPieDay #CherryPieDay
If Cherry Pie is 02/20 – this numeric palindrome of a date takes us to National Muffin Day. Traditionally observed in the U.S., you sure can celebrate Muffin Day anywhere you are in the world. And how do we celebrate, do you ask? Well, by cooking, purchasing, or eating muffins. Blueberry, apple cinnamon, chocolate chip. Not a sweet tooth? Try a savory muffin with ham & cheese or even zucchini.
Hashtags to use #NationalMuffinDay #MuffinDay
Click here to edit the free template in Easil

21st February:
International Mother Language Day
This Day was announced by UNESCO in 1999, to celebrate cultural diversity. Hashtag to use #InternationalMotherLanguageDay #IMLD
“If you talk to a man in a language he understands, that goes to his head. If you talk to him in his own language, that goes to his heart.” ‒ Nelson Mandela.
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Multitasking is all the rage these days. A million things to do, going a million miles a minute. Spend the day trying to mindfully complete all of your tasks for the day as best you can. This could be something to focus on bringing into your routine on occasion, as fully committing to a task in the moment can often bring the best results, should it be an important or enjoyable endeavor.
Hashtag to use #SingleTaskingDay
Click here to edit the free template in Easil

National Sticky Bun Day
It’s believed that these delicious, gooey, sticky, carby buns were brought by German Settlers to America and the rest of the world. Whoever it was… yum!
Hashtags to use #NationalStickyBunDay #StickyBunDay
22nd February:
Margarita Day
Any excuse to drink a margarita is a good excuse. And there’s no better excuse than Margarita Day.
Hashtag to use #MargaritaDay
Click here to edit the free template in Easil

23rd February:
Today is one of those days when there isn’t a lot happening but what is happening is all about food… for humans and dogs:
National Banana Bread Day
Of course, this international treat has its own day!
Hashtags to use #NationalBananaBreadDay #BananaBreadDay
Click here to edit the free video template in Easil
Dog Biscuit Appreciation Day
Celebrated by Canine’s everywhere, Dog Biscuit Day is actually a real thing. If you run a business that caters to pet-lovers or dog-lovers this might be a topic you can use in your content. Use it as an opportunity to post about furry friends.
Hashtag to use #DogBiscuitAppreciationDay
National Skip the Straw Day
Although we love slurping our drinks through straws, they are potentially harmful to birds, fish and other types of marine life. On this day, people are encouraged to skip using plastic straws (because 500 million straws are used in America alone in just one day). Bring on the bamboo and stainless steel re-useable straws! Find out more here.
Hashtags to use #NationalSkipTheStrawDay #SkipTheStrawDay
24th February:
Tortilla Chip Day
Oh, all the things you can do with a Tortilla Chip! Whether it’s a recipe for Guacamole or talking about your love of Nachos… this is the day to do it. Olé!
Hashtag to use #TortillaChipDay
Click here to edit the free video template in Easil
World Bartender Day
We had Bartender Appreciation Day on the 7th of December, but this is a worldwide day of celebration for the humble Bartender. Share a cocktail recipe or ask your audience what their favorite Bartender’s mix is! You can also share your “Perfect Blend” if you are in hospitality – it’s all part of the worldwide signature cocktail competition. Find out more on their official website here.
Hashtags to use #WorldBartenderDay #BartenderDay
Click here to edit the free template in Easil

25th February:
National Chocolate Covered Nut Day
Chocolate + Nuts are a match made in heaven. Chocolate-covered nuts were first sold in America in 1925 and we’ve been eating them ever since. Did somebody say movies?
Hashtags to use #NationalChocolateCoveredNutDay #ChocolateCoveredNutDay
National Clam Chowder Day
Each year on February 25th people in the US celebrate this bowl of clam or fish-filled soup or stew on Clam Chowder Day.
Hashtags to use #NationalClamChowderDay #ClamChowderDay
Twin Peaks Day
Happy Twin Peaks Day! On this enchanting 24th of February, let’s raise a cup of damn good coffee to the mysterious town of Twin Peaks. As we celebrate the day represented on the show’s iconic debut, let the red curtains of the Black Lodge open in our hearts, revealing a world of intrigue, suspense, and unforgettable characters. Whether you’re a fan of Agent Cooper’s quirky charm, the enigmatic allure of the Red Room, or the haunting score that echoes through the pines, Twin Peaks has left an indelible mark on television history. So, grab a slice of cherry pie, savor the surreal atmosphere, and immerse yourself in the peculiar magic that is Twin Peaks. Here’s to the extraordinary world created by David Lynch and Mark Frost, a place where the ordinary meets the extraordinary in the most captivating and Lynchian way possible. Happy Twin Peaks Day, where the owls are not what they seem!
Hashtag to use #TwinPeaksDay

26th February:
Play More Cards Day
Held on the last Monday in February, this day was founded by Bicycle Cards to bring back the fun into family with family games night and take the stigma away from cards being about gambling and addiction – that they can be used for fun. In a time when our kids are staring at screens more than we would like, this is a great idea! If you have a family-based audience it might be time to highlight Play More Cards Day or talk about games in some way with your content. As Bicycle Cards say: It’s time to revamp family game night!
Hashtag to use #PlayMoreCardsDay
Click here to edit the free video template in Easil
Pistachio Day
This popular Middle-Eastern nut is a well-loved snack the world over. From Baklava to Pistachio Icecream and that moorish can’t-stop-peeling effect of eating a bag of pistachios, chances are your audience will love talking about them as much as you love eating them. Oh and they’re healthy, so there’s that!
Hashtag to use #PistachioDay
Click here to edit the free video template in Easil
National Tell a FairyTale Day
Who doesn’t love a good fairy tale? In fact, marketing and storytelling has a lot of roots in fairytales. Talk about fairytales in your content, quote a famous fairytale or talk about your favourite movie – depending on your audience. What adult can’t resist commenting on a post about the Princess Bride. To not engage about this movie as part of your February content, would be inconceivable! Use #TellAFairyTaleDay in your hashtags.
Hashtags to use #NationalTellAFairyTaleday #TellAFairyTaleDay
27th February:
National Chilli Day
Held on the fourth Thursday in February, this is the day that spice-lovers get to talk about all things hot and chilli. And in case you are wondering, the spelling is “chilli” in Australia and the UK but “chili” in America. Both versions are hot.
Hashtags to use #NationalChilliDay #ChilliDay
Kahlua Day
From Mudslides to Black Russians to B52’s this cocktail ingredient is a well-loved one. And of course, in more recent times, the Espresso Martini has become a favorite. Here’s a recipe.
Hashtag to use #KahluaDay
Polar Bear Day
Polar Bear Day is a day to learn about the polar bear and remind the world of conservation and protection of this beautiful animal. Share some of these cool facts from the WWF about Polar Bears on World Polar Bear Day.
Hashtag to use #PolarBearDay
Strawberry Day
Celebrating the well-loved fruit, every 27th February is Strawberry Day. It might be a day to quote the music of Strawberry Fields Forever, share a strawberry quote or share a recipe using strawberries.
Hashtag to use #StrawberryDay
Click here to edit the free template in Easil

Retro Day
Who doesn’t love talking about nostalgia? Retro and back-in-the-day content wins every time for engagement so use it in your February content. On this Day, talk about Retro things! If it coincides with ThrowBack Thursday #TBT, then even better.
Hashtag to use #RetroDay
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Spay Day
Held on the last Tuesday in February, this Day is about awareness of the thousands of stray cats and dogs around the United States and reminding animal owners to be responsible and get their pets spayed. It might be timely for some pet-related content if that’s a good fit with your brand message.
Hashtag to use #SpayDay
28th February:
Chocolate Soufflé Day
This sweet twist on the cheese soufflé has its own special day. The original recipe for the soufflé was thought to have been made in La Cusinier Moderne, by Vincent La Chappell.. as early as 1742. The chocolate version is notoriously hard to make without it flopping, so if you pull it off, post a picture! Or just top it with lots of cream and fruit and nobody will know the difference.
Hashtag to use #ChocolateSouffleDay
National Tooth Fairy Day
February 28th is a day for talking about the tooth fairy but also acknowledging the importance of dental care and encouraging kids to keep up good dental hygiene. Because that’s what the Tooth Fairy wants them to do, right?
Hashtags to use #NationalToothFairyDay #ToothFairyDay
Click here to edit the free template in Easil

National Public Sleeping Day
They should probably call this napping day! It’s all about taking a nap anywhere… on a bus, on a train, in your office (you might want to do it at lunchtime) or at the beach. Maybe post about the health benefits of napping and how a power nap can increase productivity!
Share this Hot Tip with your audience: A Power Nap is around 10 to 20 minutes long and will give you a burst of energy to get you through the day. Don’t go longer if you can help it. 30 minutes is 10 minutes too many, you’ll get a “sleep hangover”. Keep it to 10-20 minutes and you’ll wake up refreshed. Use a timer if you need to.
Hashtags to use #NationalPublicSleepingDay #PublicSleepingDay
29th February:
Leap Year Day
Leap Year Days are our free days that only come around every four years, and we have one next in 2024!
Hashtags to use #LeapYearDay #LeapYear
Wowzers, that’s a whole bunch of holidays and celebration days for you to commemorate! Are you pumped and inspired to create some engaging February content from our list of ideas?
If you are looking for more content ideas, then we have that for you too! Here’s a list of week-long and month-long celebrations in February that you can use:
Week-Long February Content Calendar Ideas
Some celebrations in February need more than a single day of celebration. We’ve rounded up a few of the week-long February holidays and celebrations for you to use in your social media posts:
- Solo Diners Eat Out Week: February 1-7
- Burn Awareness Week – 1st Full week in February
- Boy Scout Anniversary Week – February 2-8
- Random Acts of Kindness Week – February 11-17
- Brotherhood/Sisterhood Week – February 16-22
- National Engineers Week – February 16-22
Month-Long February Content Calendar Ideas
Looking for month-long holidays and celebrations? These span the entire month of February. This gives you a whole month to creative with them:
- Vegan Cuisine Month – talk about Vegan Cuisine to your heart’s content this month.
- National Black History Month – Find out more here.
- Library Lover’s Month – February is a content month for all things books, books and more books.
- Cherry Month – because one day of celebrating Cherries is not enough! (It’s also National Grapefruit Month if you’re feeling extra fruity!)
- National Children’s Dental Health Month – Find out more here.
- American National Heart Month – Find out more here.
- Hot Breakfast Month – in the words of Anthony Bourdain:
What nicer thing can you do for somebody than make them breakfast? – Anthony Bourdain
That’s a February Social Media Content Wrap!
Now you’ve got more than enough February celebration and holiday day ideas ready to prep your content for the month. When you add in our week-long and month-long celebration ideas, you’ll never run out of inspiration.
So, it’s time to create some engaging February posts with visuals!
Want More Easil Social Media Content Calendar Posts?
Try these posts for other months of the year:
- January Content Calendar Ideas and Templates
- March Content Calendar Ideas and Templates
- April Content Calendar Ideas and Templates
- May Content Calendar Ideas and Templates
- June Content Calendar Ideas and Templates
- July Content Calendar Ideas and Templates
- August Content Calendar Ideas and Templates
- September Content Calendar Ideas and Templates
- October Content Calendar Ideas and Templates
- November Content Calendar Ideas and Templates
- December Content Calendar Ideas and Templates
Over to You
What’s your favorite February Day of Celebration? Have we missed any? Send us a DM to let us know your thoughts, or tag us in your social posts with #MadeInEasil 🙂