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9 Proven Social Media Content Types that will Enchant your audience
Visual Marketing

9 Proven social media content types that will enchant your audience

Do you want to see an increase in engagement that comes with posting social media content?

If so the question is what kind of social media content types evokes that kind of reaction from your audience? What kind of content gives you the most return on investment and engagement?

Let’s look at social media content types that have proven to win. In this post I will show you the 9 visual social media content types that will give you the greatest value.

Visual Marketing

Digital marketing trends for the hospitality industry in 2017

2017 is set to be a year that will see some key digital marketing trends in the hospitality industry become more commonplace. Given the rapid pace of developments, technology has never been more accessible and available. However, industry leaders want to know how exactly they can go about capitalizing on the trends, in order to further sales and marketing efforts.

In this post we take a look at the key drivers behind the digital marketing trends and how they can be used to your advantage.

Brand Awareness

How to find the first 100 customers for your startup

What makes getting a startup of the ground challenging is the fact that no one knows if the offering has value until it has generated revenue. Every startup faces the challenge of acquiring its first few customers.

Unfortunately, there is no one size fits all step by step guide to finding your first 100 customers because there are so many variables to contend with. In this post we examine how to get from “no one knows you” to “your first 100 customers paying you for your product or service”.

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